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Children’s selective trust: from social affiliation to epistemic trust

Dottorato di Ricerca in Psicologia Dinamica e Clinica

Coordinatore Prof.ssa Federica Galli

SEMINARIO 7 MAGGIO 2024, ore 10 Aula Magna, Dip. di Psicologia Dinamica, Clinica e Salute, Via degli Apuli 1

Prof. Diane Poulin-Dubois, PhD Concordia University, Montreal

Children’s selective trust: from social affiliation to epistemic trust

Selective social learning corresponds to the ability to select from whom to learn new information. Over the past decade, research has revealed that children possess social learning strategies that allow them to distinguish informants who are reliable sources of information from those who are not. In this talk, I will review a body of research that shows that selective trust emerges in infancy, that epistemic trust is generalized to social robots and that sophisticated cognitive mechanisms underly this foundational ability. Bio: Dr. Diane Poulin-Dubois is a Full Professor of Psychology at Concordia University where she holds a Concordia University Research Chair in Developmental Cybernetics. She is the recipient of the 2019 Pickering Award for Outstanding Contributions to Developmental Psychology in Canada and an elected Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science. Professor Poulin-Dubois is internationally known for her theoretical and empirical contributions to cognitive and language development. Her research, funded by NSERC, SSHRC and NICHD, concerns the early acquisition of a theory of mind, selective learning, conceptual categories, bilingual cognition, and child-robot interactions.

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