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Body Action Language Lab (BALLAB)

Responsabile: Anna M. Borghi

Stanza n.: Stanza 4 (L003 e L004 PS) Stanza 2 (L008 PR)

Piano: Piano seminterrato (PS) e Piano rialzato

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Descrizione del laboratorio:

Studiamo la relazione tra oggetti, concetti, linguaggio, ed esperienze sensoriali, motorie e interocettive. Lo facciamo prevalentemente tramite studi di laboratorio e metodi ecologici interattivi (esperimenti comportamentali, eye tracking, cinematica) e occasionalmente tecniche neuroscientifiche (TMS, ECG, termocamera, EEG ed fMRI), e simulazioni al computer (reti neurali, robotica). Studiamo adulti e bambini, sia popolazioni a sviluppo tipico che atipico. Obiettivi generali del laboratorio: Il Laboratorio di Psicologia Clinica nasce circa 20/25 anni fa istituito dal Professor Marco Cecchini. Il laboratorio è afferito al Dipartimento di Psicologia Dinamica, Clinica e Salute dopo che lo stesso è stato istituito. Prima posizionato al secondo piano fu poi spostato nel locale attuale circa 10 anni fa. Gli obiettivi sono quelli di creare uno spazio di elaborazione, progettazione e messa in atto di studi progettuali nel macro ambito della psicologia clinica attraverso lo scambio tra dottorandi, giovani ricercatori e colleghi del Dipartimento e dell’Ateneo.

Obiettivi generali del laboratorio:

Le strumentazioni presenti nel Laboratorio consentono la conduzione di ricerche nell’ambito della scienza cognitiva, della psicologia cognitiva e dello sviluppo delle neuroscienze cognitive, affettive e sociali.

Aree di ricerca del laboratorio:

Per quanto concerne la TMS: studio delle relazioni tra linguaggio e sistema motorio; attivazione di diversi effettori (mano, bocca) durante l’elaborazione concettuale; analisi di come diversi tipi di parole/concetti attivino il linguaggio interno (processi articolatori); attivazione del sistema motorio in relazione a diversi tipi di oggetti (oggetti pericolosi, oggetti di proprietà altrui, oggetti caratterizzati da diversi tipi di “affordance” etc.). - Per quanto concerne gli esperimenti di high-density electroencephalography (hdEEG): registrazioni in resting state, durante compiti di osservazione passiva di immagini a contenuto emotivo e/o durante compiti comportamentali, finalizzati all’esplorazione dei correlati psico-neurofisiologici di diversi domini di interesse della psicologia dinamica e clinica (come trauma, attaccamento, empatia, regolazione affettiva, responsività genitoriale e risposta al trattamento psicoterapeutico).

Pubblicazioni ultimi 10 anni:

1. Borghi, A.M. (2022). Concepts for which we need others more: The case of abstract concepts. Current directions in psychological science, 31(3), 238–246.
2. Villani, C., Lugli, L., Liuzza, M.T., Nicoletti, R., Borghi, A.M. (2021). Sensorimotor and interoceptive dimensions in concrete and abstract concepts. Journal of Memory and Language, 116, 104173. doi: 10.31234/
3. Borghi, A.M., Barca, L., Binkofski, F., Castelfranchi, C., Pezzulo, G., Tummolini, L. (2019).Words as social tools: Language, sociality and inner grounding in abstract concepts. Physics of Life Reviews, 29, 178-184,

4. Borghi, A.M., Barca, L., Binkofski, F., Tummolini, L. (2018).Varieties of abstract concepts: development, use and representation in the brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 373, 20170121.

5. Borghi, A.M., Binkofski, F., Castelfranchi, C., Cimatti, F., Scorolli, C., Tummolini, L. (2017). The challenge of abstract words. Psychological Bulletin, 143(3), 263-292.


88.Borghi, A. M., Shaki, S., & Fischer, M. H. (2022). Concrete constraints on abstract concepts. Psychological Research, 1-4.

87.Borghi, A. M., Shaki, S., & Fischer, M. H. (2022, accepted).Abstract concepts external influences, internal constraints, and methodological issues. Psychological Research

86.Giocondo, F., Borghi, A. M., Baldassarre, G., & Caligiore, D. (2022). Emotions Modulate Affordances-Related Motor Responses: A Priming Experiment. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.701714

85.Di Vincenzo, M., Palini, De Marsico, M., Borghi, A.M., Baldassarre, G. (2022). A natural human-drone embodied interface: empirical comparison with a traditional interface. Frontiers in Neurorobotics.

84.Pecora, G., V. Focaroli, M. Paoletti, L. Barca, F. Chiarotti, A.M. Borghi, C. gasparini, B. Caravale, F. Bellagamba, E. Addessi (2022). Infant sleep and development: Concurrent and longitudinal relations during the first 8 months of life. Infant behavior and development, 101719.

83.D'Aversa, F., Lugli, L., Borghi, A.M., Barca, L. (2022, accepted). Implicit effect of abstract/concrete components in the categorization of Chinese words. Journal of Cognitive Psychology.

82.Mazzuca, C., Falcinelli, I., Michalland. A.M., Tummolini, L., Borghi, A.M. (2022). Bodily, emotional, and public sphere at the time of COVID-19. An investigation on concrete and abstract concept. Psychological research.

81.Fini*, C., Zannino*, G., Orsoni, M., Carlesimo, G., Benassi, M.., Borghi, A.M. (2022). Articulatory suppression delays processing of abstract concepts: The role of inner speech. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(7), 1343-1354.

80.Borghi, A.M. (2021). Affordances, context and sociality. Synthese, 199(5-6), pp. 12485–12515DOI: 10.1007/s11229-018-02044-1.

79.Fini, C., Tummolini, L., Borghi, A.M. (2021). Contextual modulation of preferred social distance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 23726.

78.Pezzuti, L., Dawe, J., & Borghi, A. M. (2021). Does mastering of abstract words decline with age?. Educational Gerontology, 47(12), 527-542.

77. Mazzuca*, C., Fini*, C., Michalland, A.H., Falcinelli, I.,Da Rold, F., Michalland, A.H., Tummolini, L., Borghi, A.M. (2021). From affordances to abstract words: The flexibility of sensorimotor grounding. Brain Sciences, 11, 10, 1304 .

76.Mazzuca, C., Falcinelli, I., Michalland, A.H., Tummolini, L., Borghi, A.M. (2021). Differences and similarities in the conceptualization of COVID-19 and other diseases in the first Italian lockdown. Scientific Report, 11 (1), 1-12.

75.Fini, C., Era, V., da Rold, F., Candidi, M., & Borghi, A.M. (2021). Abstract concepts in interaction: The need of others when guessing abstract concepts smooths dyadic motor interactions. Royal Society open, 8, 201205201205

74.Papitto, G., Lugli, L. Borghi, A.M., Pellicano, A., Binkofski, F. (2021). Embodied negation and levels of concreteness: A TMS Study on German and Italian language processing
Brain Research. 1767, 147523.

73.M Mustile, F Giocondo, D Caligiore, AM Borghi, D Kourtis (2021). Motor inhibition to dangerous objects: Electrophysiological evidence for task-dependent aversive affordances. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 33 (5), 826-839.
72.C Villani, S D’Ascenzo, AM Borghi, C Roversi, M Benassi, L Lugli (2021). Is justice grounded? How expertise shapes conceptual representation of institutional concepts. Psychological Research, 1-17
71.Borghi, A.M., Barsalou, L. (2021). Perspective in the conceptualization of categories. Psychological Research, 85(2), 697-719. doi: 10.1007/s00426-019-01269-0.
70.Borghi, A.M., (2020). A future of words: Language and the challenge of abstract concepts. (special collection: The future of embodiment research. Challenges and opportunities.).Journal of Psychology, 3(1): 42, pp.1�18. DOI:
69.Dove, G., Barca, L., Tummolini, L., Borghi, A.M. (2020, in press). Words have a weight: language as a source of inner grounding and flexibility in abstract to the psyarxiv preprint, preprint doi: 10.31234/ Psychological Research.
68.Granato, G., Borghi, A.M., Baldassarre, G. (2020). A computational model of language functions in flexible goal-directed behavior. Scientific report. link to the psyarxiv preprint, preprint doi: 10.31234/

67.Borghi, A.M., Tummolini, L. (2020). Touch me if you can: The intangible but grounded nature of abstract concepts. Commentary to Gilead, Trope & Liberman. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 43, DOI:
66.Ghandhari, M., Fini, C., Darold, F., Borghi, A.M. (2020). Different kinds of embodied language: a comparison between Italian and Persian languages. Brain and Cognition, 142, 105581.
65.Foerster, F., Borghi, A.M., Goslin, J. (2020). Labels strengthen motor learning of new tools. Cortex, doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2020.04.006.
64.Mazzuca, C., Majid, A., Lugli, L., Nicoletti, R., Borghi, A.M. (2020, in press). Gender is a multifaceted concept: Evidence that specific life experiences differentially shape the concept of gender. Language and Cognition, 12(4), 649-678.
63.Barca, L., Mazzuca, C., Borghi, A.M. (2020). Overusing the Pacifier during Infancy Sets a Footprint on Abstract Words Processing. Journal of Child Language,1–16, doi:10.1017/S0305000920000070.
62.Borghi, A.M., Barca, L., Binkofski, F., Castelfranchi, C., Pezzulo, G., Tummolini, L. (2019). Words as social tools: Flexibility, situatedness, language and sociality in abstract concepts. Reply to comments on “Words as social tools: Language, sociality and inner grounding in abstract concepts”. Physics of Life Reviews, 29:178-184. doi:
61.Villani, C., Lugli, L., Liuzza, M.T., Borghi, A.M. (2019).Varieties of abstract concepts and their multiple dimensions. Language and cognition, 11, 3, 403-430, DOI:
60.Borghi, A.M., Fini, C. (2019). Theories and explanations in psychology. Frontiers in psychology 10, 958.

59.Fini, C., Borghi, A.M. (2018). Sociality to reach objects and to catch meaning: the case of concrete and abstract concepts. Frontiers in Psychology 10, 838

58.Jin Z., Tirassa M., Borghi A.M. (2018). Editorial: Beyond Embodied Cognition: Intentionality, Affordance, and Environmental Adaptation. Frontiers in Psychology, section Cognition, 9:2659. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02659.

57.Mazzuca, C., Lugli, L., Benassi, M., Nicoletti, R., Borghi, A.M. (2018). Abstract, emotional and concrete concepts and the activation of mouth-hand effectors. PeerJ 6:e5987

56.Lugli, L., D'Ascenzo, Borghi, A.M., Nicoletti, R.(2018). Clock Walking and Gender: How Circular Movements Influence Arithmetic Calculations. Front Psychol. 9:1599. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01599.

55. Horoufchin, H., Bzdok, D., Buccino, G., Borghi, A.M.,Binkofski, F. (2018). Action and object words are differentially anchored in the sensory motor system - A perspective on cognitive embodiment. Science Reports 8(1):6583. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-24475-z.

54. Setti, A., Borghi, A.M. (2018). Editorial: Embodied Cognition Over the Lifespan: Theoretical Issues and Implications for Applied Settings. Front. Psychol. 9:550. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00550.

53. Borghi, A.M., Barca, L., Binkofski, F., Tummolini, L. (2018). Abstract concepts, language and sociality: from acquisition to inner speech. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society : Biological Sciences, 5;373(1752). pii: 20170134. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2017.0134.

52. Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., Tummolini, L. (2018). Cues of control modulate the ascription of object ownership. Psychological Research, 82(5):929-954. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-017-0871-9

51. Barca, L., Mazzuca, C., Borghi, A.M. (2017). Pacifier overuse and conceptual relations of abstract and emotional concepts Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02014.

50. Pellicano, A., Borghi, A.M., Binkofski, F. (2017). Editorial: Bridging the Theories of Affordances and Limb Apraxia. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 11:148. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00148

49. Borghi, A.M., Setti, A. (2017) Abstract Concepts and Aging: An Embodied and Grounded Perspective. Front. Psychol. 8:430. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00430

48. Marino, B., Borghi, A.M., Buccino, G., Riggio, L. (2017). Chained activation of the motor system during language understanding. Front. Psychol. 8:199. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00199

47. Gianelli, C., Marzocchi M., Borghi A.M. (2017) Grasping the Agent’s Perspective: A Kinematics Investigation of Linguistic Perspective in Italian and German. Front. Psychol. 8:42. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00042

46. Borghi, A.M., Zarcone, E. (2016).Grounding abstractness: Abstract concepts and the activation of the mouth. Front. Psychol. 7:1498. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01498.

45. Lugli, L., Obertis, A., Borghi, A.M. (2016).Hitting is male, giving is female: Automatic imitation and complementarity during action observation. Psychological Research. DOI:

44. Scerrati, E., Lugli, L., Borghi, A.M., Nicoletti, R. (in press). The multifold Modality-Switch Effect: What Happens When We See the Bees Buzzing After Hearing the Diamonds Glistening Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, DOI 10.3758/s13423-016-1150-2..

43.Sakreida, K., Effner, I., Thill, S., Menz, M.M., Jirak, D., Eickhofff, C.R., Ziemke, T., Eickhoff, S.B., Borghi, A.M., Binkofski, F. (2016). Affordance processing in segregated parieto-frontal dorsal stream sub-pathways. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 69, 89-112.

42. Jacquet P.O., Roy A.C., Chambon V., Borghi, A.M., Salemme R., Farnè A.,& Reilly K.T. (2016). Changing ideas about others’ intentions: updating prior expectations tunes activity in the human motor system. Scientific Reports, 6:26995. DOI: 10.1038/srep26995.

41. Borghi, A.M. (2016). Commentary: “Weighty data: importance information influences estimated weight of digital information storage devices”. Front. Psychol. 7:709. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00709 83.

40. Scorolli, C., Daprati, E., Nico, D., Borghi, A.M. (2016).Reaching for objects or asking for them: Distance estimation in 7 to 15 years-old children . Journal of Motor Behavior, 48(2):183-91. doi: 10.1080/00222895.2015.1070787.

39. Natraj, N., Pella, I.M., Borghi, A.M., Wheaton, L.A. (2015). The visual encoding of tool-object affordances. Neuroscience (Section: Cognitive, Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience). pii: S0306-4522(15)00887-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.09.060.

38. Scorolli, C., & Borghi, A.M. (2015). Square bananas, blue horses: The relative weight of shape and color in concept recognition and representation. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:1542.

37. Scerrati E, Baroni G, Borghi A.M., Galatolo R, Lugli L and Nicoletti R (2015). The modality-switch effect: Visually and aurally presented prime sentences activate our senses. Front. Psychol. 6:1668. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01668

36. Marino, B., Borghi, A.M., Gemmi, L., Cacciari, C., Riggio, L. (2015). Neural Adaptation Effects in Conceptual Processing. Behavioral Sciences, 5 (3), 353-371. doi:10.3390/bs50x000x.

35. Borghi, A.M., Riggio, L. (2015). Stable and variable affordances are both automatic and flexible. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9:351. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00351.

34. Flumini, A., Barca, L., Borghi, A.M., & Pezzulo, G. (2015). How do you hold your mouse? Tracking the compatibility effect between hand posture and stimulus size, 79(6):928-38.. Psychological research, 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s00426-014-0622-0.

33. Granito, C., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M. (2015). Naming a Lego world. The role of language in the acquisition of abstract concepts. Plos One 10(1): e0114615. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0114615.
32. Anelli, F., Lugli, L., Baroni, G., Borghi, A.M., Nicoletti, R. (2014). Walking boosts your performance in making additions and subtractions. Frontiers in Psychology 5:1459. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01459.
31. Borghi A.M., Capirci O., Gianfreda G., Volterra V. (2014) The body and the fading away of abstract concepts and words: a sign language analysis. Front. Psychol. 5:811. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.0081172.
30. Flumini, A., Ranzini, M., Borghi, A.M. (2014). < i> Nomina sunt consequentia rerum</i>–Sound–shape correspondences with every-day objects figures. Journal of Memory and Language, 76, 47-60.
29. Borghi, A.M., Cangelosi, A. (2014). Action language integration: from humans to cognitive robots. Topics in Cognitive Science;6(3), 344-58. doi: 10.1111/tops.12103.
28. Borghi, A.M. (2014). Affordances and contextual flexibility. Physics of Life Reviews, 11(2):267-8. doi: 10.1016/j.plrev.2014.01.009. Commentary to van Elk, van Schie and Bekkering, Action Semantics: A unifying conceptual framework for the selective use of multimodal and modality-specific object knowledge.
27. Scorolli, C., Miatton, M., Wheaton, L., Borghi, A.M. (2014). I give you a cup, I get a cup: A kinematics study on social intention. Neuropsychologia, 57, 196-204. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.03.006
26. Morlino, G., Gianelli, C., Borghi, A.M., Nolfi, S. (2014). Learning to manipulate and categorize in human and artificial agents. Cognitive Science. DOI: 10.1111/cogs.12130.
25. Kalénine, S., Shapiro, A. D., Flumini, A., Borghi, A.M., & Buxbaum, L. J. (2014). Visual context modulates potentiation of grasp types during semantic object categorization. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 21(3), 645-651. Doi: 10.3758/s13423-013-0536-7
24. Kalkan, S., Dag, N., Yuruten, O., Borghi, A.M., Sahin, E. (2014). Verb concepts from affordances. Interaction Studies 15:1, 1-37. doi: 10.1075/is.15.1.01kal.
23. Gianelli, C., Lugli, L., Baroni, G., Nicoletti, R., & Borghi, A.M. (2013). The impact of social context and language comprehension on behaviour: A kinematic investigation. PLoS ONE, Volume 8(12): e85151. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0085151.
22. Anelli, F., Nicoletti, R., Bolzani, R., Borghi, A.M. (2013). Keep away from danger: Dangerous objects in dynamic and static situations. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 344.. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00344.
21. Anelli, F., Ranzini, M., Nicoletti, R., Borghi, A.M. (2013). Perceiving object dangerousness: An escape from pain? Experimental Brain Research, 228, 457-466.
20. Roversi, C., Borghi, A.M., Tummolini, L. (2013). A Marriage is an Artefact and not a Walk that We Take Together: An Experimental Study on the Categorization of Artefacts. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 4, 3, 527-542.
19. Lugli, L., Baroni, G., Anelli, F., Borghi, A.M., & Nicoletti, R. (2013). Counting is Easier while Experiencing a Congruent Motion. Plos One, 8, 5, Article number 64500. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064500. Scopus: 2-s2.0-84877763854.
18. Borghi, A.M., Scorolli, C., Caligiore, D., Baldassarre, G. & Tummolini, L. (2013). The embodied mind extended: Words as social tools. Frontiers in Psychology 4:214. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00214. Scopus: 2-s2.0-84878946715.
17. Sakreida, K., Scorolli, C., Menz, M.M., Heim, S., Borghi, A.M., & Binkofski, F. (2013) Are abstract action words embodied? An fMRI investigation at the interface between language and motor cognition, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7:125. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00125.
16. Thill, S., Caligiore, D., Borghi, A.M., Ziemke, T., Baldassarre (2013). Theories and Computational Models of Affordance and Mirror Systems: An Integrative Review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 37(3), 491-521. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2013.01.012.. DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2013.01.012.
15. Paglieri F., Borghi, A.M., Colzato L.S., Hommel B., Scorolli C. (2013). Heaven can wait: How religion modulates temporal discounting. Psychological Research, 77, 6, 738-747. Scopus: 2-s2.0-84872465631. Doi: 10.1007/s00426-012-0473-5
14. Natraj, N., Poole, V., Mizelle, J.C., Flumini, A., Borghi, A.M., Wheaton, L. (2013). Context and Hand Posture Modulate the Neural Dynamics of Tool-Object Perception. Neuropsychologia, 51, 506-519. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2012.12.003.

13. Gianelli, C., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M. (2013). Acting in perspective: The role of body and of language as social tools. Psychological Research, 77, 1, 40-52.

12. Caligiore, D., Borghi, A.M., Parisi, D., Ellis, R., Cangelosi, A., Baldassarre, G. (2013). How affordances associated with a distractor object affect compatibility effects: A study with the computational model TRoPICALS. Psychological Research, 77, 1, 7-19. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-012-0424-1.
11.Tummolini, L. Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M. (2013). Disentangling the sense of ownership from the sense of fairness. Commentary on Baumard, André and Sperber, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, pp 101-102. doi:10.1017/S0140525X1200088X. Scopus: 2-s2.0-84876887412.
10. Scorolli, C., Jacquet, P., Binkofski, F., Nicoletti, R., Tessari, A., Borghi, A.M. (2012). Abstract and concrete phrases processing differently modulates cortico-spinal excitability. Brain Research, 1488, 60-71. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2012.10.004.

9. Anelli, F., Borghi, A.M., Nicoletti, R.(2012).Grasping the pain: Motor resonance with dangerous affordances. Consciousness & Cognition, 21, 1627-1639. Doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2012.09.001.

8. Ambrosini, E., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., Costantini, M. (2012). Which body for embodied cognition? Affordance and language within actual and perceived reaching space. Consciousness and cognition, 21, 1551–1557.

7. Fusaroli, R., Demuru, P., Borghi, A.M. (2012). Introduction to the special issue. The intersubjectivity of embodiment. Cognitive semiotics, 4, 1, 1-5. ISBN: 978-87-995235-0-4.

6. Gianelli, C., Ranzini, M., Marzocchi M., Rettore Micheli L., Borghi, A.M. (2012). Influence of numerical magnitudes on the free choice of an object position. Cognitive Processing,13, 185-188. DOI 10.1007/s10339-012-0483-7.
5. Jacquet, P., Jambon, V., Borghi, A.M., Tessari, A. (2012). Object Affordances Tune Observers' Prior Expectations About Tool-Use Behaviors. PLoS ONE 7(6): e39629. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039629.
4. Borghi, A.M., Flumini, A., Natraj, N., Wheaton, L.A. (2012). One hand, two objects: Emergence of affordance in contexts. Brain and Cognition, 80, (1), 64-73. Doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2012.04.007
3.Lugli, L., Baroni, G., Gianelli, C., Borghi, A.M., Nicoletti, R. (2012). Self, others, objects: How this triadic interaction modulates our behavior. Memory and Cognition, 40, 1373-1386. DOI 10.3758/s13421-012-0218-0.

2. Liuzza, M.T., Setti, A., Borghi, A.M. (2012). Kids observing other kids’ hands: visuomotor priming in children. Consciousness & Cognition, 21, 383-392.
1. Jacquet, P., Binkofski, F., Tessari, A., Borghi, A.M. (2012). Can object affordances impact on human social learning of tool use? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35, 227-228.Commentary to the target article The cognitive bases of human tool use by K. Vaesen.

14. Borghi, A.M. (2022). Merging affordances and (abstract) concepts. In Djiebbara, Z. (ed). Affordances in everyday life: A multidisciplinary collection of essays. Springer, New York.

13. Borghi, A. M., Fini, C., & Tummolini, L. (2021). Abstract Concepts and metacognition: searching for meaning in self and others. In Robinson, MD., & Thomas, L.E., (eds.) Handbook of Embodied Psychology (pp. 197-220). Springer, New York.
12. Borghi, A.M. (2020). Embodiment and language. In F.Gomez-Paloma (ed). Embodiment and school. (pp. 29-39). Pensa Multimedia. ISBN 978-88-6760-764-8
11. De Bortoli Vizioli, A., Borghi, A.M., Tummolini, L. (2020). When me is mine: An embodied origin of psychological ownership? Proceedings of the cognitive science society, paper 0587, 2473-79.
10. Mazzuca, C., Borghi, A.M. (2019). Abstract concepts and the activation of mouth-hand effectors 1. In M.Bolognesi, G.J.Steen (eds.). Perspectives on abstract concepts: Cognition, language and communication. John Benjamins.
9. Scerrati, E., Lugli, L., Nicoletti, R., Borghi, A.M. (2019). Is the Acoustic Modality Relevant for Abstract Concepts? A Study with the Extrinsic Simon Task&quot;. In M.Bolognesi, G.J.Steen (eds.). Perspectives on abstract concepts: Cognition, language and communication 65, 101. John Benjamins.
8. C. Roversi, L. Pasqui, A.M. Borghi. (2017). Institutional Mimesis: An Experimental Study on the Grounding of Legal Concepts. In J. Stelmach, B. Brozek (eds.) Reason and Emotions in Law and Morality. Poland: Copernicus Center Press.
7. Mazzuca, C., Borghi, A.M. (2016). An Embodied and Grounded View on Concepts and its Possible Implications for Education. In F. Gomez Paloma (ed.): Embodied Cognition: Theories and Applications in Education Science. Nova Science.
6. Borghi, A.M. (2016). An Embodied and Grounded perspective on concepts. In Bianca, M., Piccari, P. (eds.). Epistemology of ordinary knowledge. (pp. 181-194). Cambridge Scholar. ISBN (10): 1-4438-8052-3; ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-8052-7.
5. Borghi, A.M., Caruana, F. (2015).Embodiment theories. In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd. Edition, vol. 7 (editor James Wright),Section of Cognitive Neuroscience (editor Stefano Cappa). Oxford: Elsevier. (pp. 420-426). ISBN: 9780080970868.
4. Flumini, A., Ranzini, M., Borghi, A.M. (2014). Sound-symbolic correspondences with figures of known entities. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society, 2210-2215.
3. Borghi, A.M. (2013). Embodied cognition and word acquisition: The challenge of abstract words In: Cornelia Müller, Alan Cienki, Ellen Fricke, Silva H. Ladewig, David McNeill & Jana Bressem (Eds.) Body-Language-Communication: An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK) 38/2 Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter: Mouton
2. Anelli, F., Nicoletti, R., Kalkan, S., Sahin, E., Borghi, A.M. (2012). Humans and robotics hands grasping danger. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), WCCI 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pp. 1613-1620, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1489-3..
1. Borghi, A.M. (2012). Action language comprehension, affordances and goals. Action language comprehension, affordances and goals. In Yan Coello, Angela Bartolo (Eds). Language and action in cognitive neuroscience. Contemporary topics in cognitive neuroscience series (pp. 125-143). Psychology Press. ISBN: 978-1-84872-082-4.

1.Borghi, A.M., Binkofski, F. (2014). Words as social tools: an embodied view on abstract concepts. New York/ Berlin: Springer. MONOGRAFIA

2. Caruana, F., Borghi, A.M. (2016). Il cervello in azione. Bologna: Il mulino.

3. Pellicano, A., Borghi, A.M., Binkofski, F. (2017). (Eds.) Bridging the theories of affordances and limb apraxia. Frontiers Research topic. ISSN 1664-8714, ISBN 978-2-88945-225-5, DOI 10.3389/978-2-88945-225-5. E-book.

4. Setti, A., Borghi, A.M. (2018). (Eds.) Embodied Cognition Over the Lifespan: Theoretical Issues
and Implications for Applied Settings. Frontiers Research Topics. ISBN 978-2-88945-492-1. DOI
10.3389/978-2-88945-492-1. E-book

5. Z.Jin, M.Tirassa,A.M.Borghi (2018)(eds.). Beyond Embodied Cognition: Intentionality, Affordance, and Environmental Adaptation. Frontiers Research Topics


14. Falcinelli, I., Fini, C., Borghi, AM. (2021). Lavarsi le mani reduce il senso di colpa: Evidenze con un compito semantico implicito. Giornale italiano di psicologia, 48(1), 263-271.

13. Borghi, AM. (2019). Linguistic relativity and abstract words. Paradigmi, Rivista di critica filosofica, 3, 429-448, doi: 10.30460/95137.

12. Villani, C., Lugli, L., Liuzza, M.T., Borghi, A.M. (2019). Le sotto-categorie dei concetti astratti: uno studio empirico. Sistemi intelligenti, 31 (2), 235-252

11. Borghi, A.M. (2018). Il mondo del machine learning: Implicazioni per la cognizione embodied e grounded. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, XLV, n. 1, 81-84.

10. Lugli, L., D'Ascenzo, S., Baroni, G., Borghi, A.M. , Nicoletti, R. (2017). La direzione del movimento del corpo si riflette sulle operazioni di calcolo numerico. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 2,467-474, DOI: 10.1421/87350.

9. Mazzuca, C., Barca, L., Borghi, A.M. (2017). The Particularity of Emotional Words: A Grounded Approach. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, 8, 2, 124-133. Doi: 10.4453/rifp.2017/0010.

8. Cimatti, F., Flumini, A., Vittuari, M., Borghi, A.M. (2016). Odors, words and objects. RIFL- Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del linguaggio.1: 78-91, DOI 10.4396/20160606.

7. Borghi, A.M., Caramelli, N., Setti, A. (2016). How abstract is risk for workers? Expertise, context and introspection in abstract concepts. Reti-Saperi-Linguaggi - Italian Journal of Cognitive Science, 1/2016, 5 (9), 89-112, special issue "Mind and language in action"

6. Borghi, A.M., Cimatti, F. (2015). WAT (Words As social Tools): una prospettiva socio-corporea sulla cognizione umana. Sistemi intelligenti, 27(2), 361-372.
5. Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M., Tummolini, L. (2015). Indici visivi e giudizi impliciti di proprietà: Uno studio sperimentale. Sistemi intelligenti, 1, 209-220, DOI: 10.1422/79695.
4. Paglieri, F., Scorolli, C., Borghi, A.M. (2013). Modelli evoluzionistici e differenze religiose: Alcuni problemi. Sistemi intelligenti, 25, 2, 355-361.
3. Borghi, A.M., Scorolli, C.(2012). Parole come strumenti che estendono il corpo. Sistemi intelligenti, 24, 1, 117-12620.
2. Liuzza, M.T., Cimatti, F., Borghi, A.M. (2012). Linguistic tools for embodied minds. RIFL, 6, 2, 43-58. doi: 104396/20120704.

1. Borghi, A.M., Cimatti, F. (2012). Words are not just words: the social acquisition of abstract words. RIFL - ISSN: 2036-6728. doi: . 10.4396/20120303.
3. Borghi, A.M. (2015). Il futuro è “embodied”. In G. Buccino e M. Mezzadri (eds.), Glottodidattica e Neuroscienze (pp. 31-49). Firenze: Cesati.
2. Borghi, A.M., Nicoletti, R.(2012). Movimento e azione. In Cubelli R. e Job. R.(Eds.) Psicologia dei processi cognitivi. Roma: Carocci (pp. 121-144). isbn 978-88-430-6160-0
1. Baroni, G., Pellicano, A., Borghi, A.M., Rumiati, R., e Nicoletti, R., (2012). Le nostre reazioni di fronte ai guadagni e alle perdite. In: G. Belleli e R. Di Schiena (a cura di) Decisioni ed emozioni: Come la psicologia spiega il conflitto tra ragione e sentimento. (pp. 64-84) Bologna, Il Mulino. ISBN 9788815234544

ERC: SH4-The Human Mind and its Complexity (SH4_1, SH4_2, SH4_5, SH4_6, SH4_7, SH4_8); LS5_7 Cognition (e.g. learning, memory, emotions, speech)


Keywords: concetti, linguaggio, memoria semantica, concetti astratti, affordance, concetto di genere, affordance sociali, interazione sociale, senso del corpo, spazio extrapersonale, embodied cognition, grounded cognition.

Attrezzature(1) TMS sistema Magstim Rapid 2, coil e sistema BIOPAC MP36, trigger box e portatile con software ePRIME3; (2) Imotions wearable glasses con eye-tracker incorporato; (3) dispositivo MyHeart per la registrazione di tracciati ECG finalizzati all’analisi degli intervalli RR (variabilità cardiaca); (4) portatile per studi comportamentali.

Progetti di ricerca finanziati ultimi 10 anni:

(1) 2020-23: progetto EU twinning H2020 TRAINCREASE (Warsaw University, Aarhus University, University of Manchester)2008-2012; (2) progetto grande Sapienza 2021, grant n. RG12117A5D1EB0B3, Concepts in interaction with others and with oneself: Abstractness in social interaction, social metacognition and mind wandering; (3) 2018- progetto medio Sapienza Inner grounding of abstract concepts: the role of interoception and social metacognition, Sapienza University of Rome, Euro 10.000 + 23.800; (4) 2017-2019: progetto medio Sapienza Abstract concepts, language and sociality, Euro 34.500; (5) 2018- progetto Medie attrezzature scientifiche Sapienza"Concetti astratti ed emotivi ed esperienze traumatiche: correlati psicobiologici", Euro 30.000; (6) 2017: FABBR, MIUR 3000 Euro; (7) 2012-17: fondi UNIBO, ogni anno circa 3000 Euro (categoria A); (8) progetto EU FP7 ROSSI (Emergence of Communication in Robots Through Sensorimotor and Social Interaction) - 2.800.000 EUR,di cui UNIBO: 579.898 EUR. (sono inclusi solo i progetti coordinati come PI dell'intero progetto o del gruppo)

Nomi dei frequentatori (qualifica): Anna M. Borghi (PA); Chiara Fini (assegnista di ricerca post-doc); Claudia Mazzuca (assegnista di ricerca post-doc); Ilenia Falcinelli (dottoranda)

MODALITA' DI PRENOTAZIONE DELLA STANZA: Prenotazione tramite link diretto a un modulo di google drive dedicato al laboratorio dove le prenotazioni vengono gestite autonomamente dagli utenti e supervisionate dalle responsabili del laboratorio condiviso con Cristina Trentini. Link attuale (che modificheremo in seguito)

Dirigente per la sicurezza (doc. del 6-2-17): Lai Carlo